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Colloque RZA+CZO+ILTER 2017

Le 4ème colloque biennal du réseau des Zones Ateliers a été l'occasion d'un évènement commun organisé avec les Observatoires de la Zone Critique (CZO) et le réseau ILTER (International Long Term Ecological Research). Cet évènement s'est tenu à La Chapelle-sur-Erdre du 2 au 4 octobre 2017. Le "ILTER Coordinating Committee Meeting" s'est ensuite déroulé dans les mêmes lieux du 4 au 6 octobre et a été suivi par des visites de terrain sur la Zone Atelier Armorique et la Zone Atelier Loire.



V. Bretagnolle     The Réseau des Zones Ateliers organizes every second year a scientific Conference, an important moment of scientific exchange but also knowledge sharing with stakeholders. The last three conferences were held in Paris, CNRS. Time was therefore due to move in other parts of France! This 2017 Conference is further unique, in the (short) history of Zones Ateliers Conferences, for two additional reasons: it is the first time the conference is international (almost half of the talks); and second, it is a joined conference with the CZO. As expected, the number of participants is the highest ever achieved. Welcome to the joint Conference! (by Vincent Bretagnolle, Scientific coordinator of Zones Ateliers)
Welcome to the eLTER France meeting! This conference is a first of a series of conferences joining the French LTSER (Long-term-socio-ecological-research) and the CZO (Critical zone observatories) communities, aiming at exchanging views and co-construct actions on societies and their relationships with the planet in a changing word and increasing pressure on all resources, water, soil and biodiversity. We hope that through the series of shared oral and poster sessions, you will take the opportunity offered by eLTER France and eLTER Europe to participate strongly to a new era of collaboration between the geo-, eco- and socio-ecological communities and favor the emergence of new research challenging questions. (by Jérôme Gaillardet, Scientific co-cordinator of the CZO OZCAR research Infrastructure)     J. Gaillardet
M. Mirtl     Since the foundation of the International Long-term Ecological Research Network (ILTER) in 1993, annual conferences have always formed important milestones. But for some years now, their nature has significantly changed: the original business meetings of member network representatives do only form part of composed events for a wider scientific audience and reflecting the host countries or regions interests and foci. The ILTER annual conferences have thereby become excellent opportunities for national or regional scientists to meet members of the global LTER community, which- in turn – gain insights into ILTER´s potential related to an intriguing diversity. Feedbacks on the first explicit global LTER science conference, the ILTER Open Science Meeting (OSM) 2016 in South Africa were so enthusiastic, that OSMs will be organized every third year in the future. We are very grateful to LTER France for hosting the ILTER 2017 conference. LTER France provides a striking example of successful efforts in meeting the challenge of inter- and transdisciplinary ecosystem research by combining the socio-ecological research undertaken by the Réseau des Zones Ateliers with the geo- and hydro-sciences represented by french critical zone network OZCAR. Thereby, the science conference part of the program reflects in a timely manner the ongoing development of the integrated European infrastructure for ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological research, eLTER RI, embedded in LTER-Europe. This program will surely stimulate the following ILTER Coordinating Committee meeting in revising the ILTER mission and goals for the next decade and the OSM 2019 in Germany. Thanks once more to all those who helped realizing the ILTER 2017 annual conference and wishing us all inspiring and fruitful days in Nantes ! (by Michael Mirtl, Chair of ILTER)


Conférences plénières

Prof. Daniel Richter (Soils and Forest Ecology, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA) is in charge of the "Calhoun observatory" CZO in the United States. D. Richter
Prof. Steven Banwart (Integrating Chair in Soil / Water / Agriculture, School of Earth and Environment, Université de Leeds, UK) has been in charge of the EU program SoiTrEC. He contributes also to the US-China program on the CZOs. S. Banwart
Prof. Bruno Latour is a sociologist and anthropologist, particularly interested the philosophy of sciences. Fromer professor at Sciences Po (Paris), he has created and directed the Medialab and the program of Sciences Po on arts and politics (SPEAP). B. Latour
Dr Jill Baron (US Geological Survey, Fort Collins, Colorado) founder and Co-Director of the John Wesley Powell Center for Earth System Science Analysis and Synthesis. J. Baron
Prof. Graeme Cumming (ARC Centre of Excellence on Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia) has a wide range of interests, centered on spatial aspects of ecology and the relevance of broad-scale pattern-process dynamics for ecosystem (and social-ecological system) function and resilience. G. Cumming
Prof. Christopher Swan (Department of Geography & Environmental Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA) is a community ecologist with expertise in riverine and urban ecology. He is a Fellow at the Center for Urban Environmental Research and Education, and a co-investigator of the Baltimore Ecosystem System, a US Long Term Ecological Research site. C. Swan

Comité scientifique

Vincent BRETAGNOLLE, Chargé de mission INEE pour les ZA - Directeur de recherche CNRS - Centre d'études biologiques de Chizé

Paul BOIS, Maitre de conférence - Ecole Nationale du Génie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement de Strasbourg

Patrick BOURGERON, Professeur Associé, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA

Scott COLLINS, Professeur, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA

Hervé FRITZ, Directeur de recherche CNRS - Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive, Université de Lyon 1

Jérôme GAILLARDET, Professeur - Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris

Peter HAASE, Professeur - Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, Gelnhausen, Allemagne

Bill McDOWELL, Professeur - University of New Hamphire, Durham, New Hampshire, USA

Camille MAZE, Chargé de Recherche CNRS - Laboratoire des sciences de l'environnement marin, IUEM Brest

Daniel ORENSTEIN, Professeur Assistant - Technion, Haifa, Israël

Marie-Noëlle PONS, Directeur de recherche CNRS - Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés, Nancy

Hideaki SHIBATA, Professeur - Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japon

Comité d'organisation

Mathieu BONNEFOND - Maitre de Conférences - Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, Zone Atelier Loire

Sophie BRETESCHÉ – Maitre de Conférences - École des Mines de Nantes, Zone Atelier Territoires Uranifères

Patrick CHARDON – Ingénieur de Recherches CNRS - UMR SUBATECH, Zone Atelier Territoires Uranifères

Cendrine MONY - Maitre de Conférences - UMR ECOBIO Zone Atelier Armorique

Adrien OPEICLE – Chargé de mission – Réseau des Zones Ateliers

Catherine PAGANI – Chargée de projets – UMR Chrono-environnement, Zone Atelier Arc Jurassien

Christophe PISCART - Chargé de Recherches CNRS - UMR ECOBIO, Zone Atelier Armorique

Silvia RIBOT – Assistante Ingénieur – UMR LEHNA, Réseau des Zones Ateliers

Sylvie SERVAIN - Maitre de Conférences - UMR CITERES, Zone Atelier Loire

Pierre STÉPHAN – Chargé de Recherches CNRS - UMR LETG Brest, Zone Atelier Brest Iroise

Soutiens financiers

Région Bretagne          Université Loire Bretagne



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