The RZA has a portal and a geocatalogue (Geonetwork 3.4.2) developed with the UMS 3468 BBEES (CNRS, MNHN) and hosted by the IN2P3 computer center in Lyon.
To access to the RZA catalog, click here.
This catalog harvests the ZAs catalogs, if they exist (see table below), and is harvested by the main national and international catalogs of interest: DEIMS, INRAe, ...
The thesaurus used and recommended is currently EnvThes.
Another interesting thesaurus intéressant for water quality (uses in particular the SANDRE thesaurus): OZCAR-THEIA.
Table with ZAs and corresponding geonetworks
Zone Atelier | Geonetwork |
ZA Alpes | Link |
ZA Antarctique et Subantarctique | - |
ZA Arc Jurassien | Link |
ZA Armorique | Link |
ZA Bassin du Rhône | Link |
ZA Brest Iroise | Link |
ZA Environmentale Urbaine | Link |
ZA Hwange | - |
ZA Loire | Link |
ZA Moselle | Link |
ZA Plaine et Val de Sèvre | - |
ZA Pygar | Link |
ZA Seine | - |
ZA Territoires Uranifères | - |
Production of metadata
The BED collective offers a production of simplified metadata sheet with the Geoflow and Geometa tool under R.
The Geometa package generates Inspire-compliant ISO19139 XML metadata from various sources(CSV, GSheets, BDD).
The Geoflow package allows an orchestration of Geometa and complementary libraries (geonapi, geosapi, ows4r, zen4r, ldap4r…) to generate and publish both metadata and their associated data via standardized streams (CSW, WMS, WFS).