The Transversal Action on Socio-Ecological Experiments on water quality in relation to agricultural practices and affecting health, both ecosystems and human (ATSES-ESeau) aims to explore the long-term feedbacks between changes in agricultural practices and water quality (mild, marine or transitional), in a context of climate change.
For this, the inter- and trans-disciplinary group co-piloted by O. Barreteau and O. Ragueneau wishes to represent generic agricultural activities and their impacts on "water landscapes" in the format of a game, prior to long-term in-situ experimentation for adaptive management purposes. The objective of the game is to develop new knowledge about the consequences of the agro-ecological transition by considering the quality of water and aquatic environments. More specifically, this action seeks to know if the positive impacts (water quality, income, agricultural production, soil ...) of the agro-ecological transition are favored by the existence of local institutions allowing greater autonomy for farmers .
This action is divided into several phases: the first phase is to improve and decline the game in the target territories of the ZAs through the involvement of students in BTS, then in a second phase it will be to play with actors of the territory concerned and interested in the issues of agro-ecological transitons (farmers, elected officials, associations ...). At the end of these two phases, the collected data should make it possible to identify the actions to be recommended to the stakeholders. The implementation of these recommendations locally would then constitute the third phase of this transversal action.
Workshop May 14-15 in Le Mans
ATSES-ESeau started in 2019, with the first workshop held in Le Mans on 14 and 15 May 2019 to design the components and rules of the game (bringing together 13 participants from six ZAs).
Workshop Sept 30 - Oct 1 2019 in Paris
A second workshop took place on September 30 and October 1, 2019 in Paris to test and adjust a first version of the game (gathering 17 participants from eight ZAs).
"Workshop in Paris - Oct 1st 2019"
"Test of the first version of the game – Conception phase"
The first phase of experimentation is planned for autumn 2020 and the second phase in 2021-2022.