The new governance of the RI RZA revolves around several bodies, in charge of the internal animation of the RI as well as of its relations with the outside (other organizations, other RIs, academic and non-academic national and international partners). It is evolving compared to the previous period, in particular by the introduction of an external scientific council, a forum of non-academic partners and a think tank responsible for leading the transversal activities of the RZA.
- The management team is made up of the director of the RZA (O. Ragueneau), 3 to 4 deputy directors responsible for the link with the outside world (eLTER, other RIs, Third Sector for Research and Training) and C. Schrive for the administrative and legal support of the IR. The role of the management team is to help the Director, implement and monitor actions contributing to the activity of the RI, participation in its animation, communication and representation. It meets every two weeks to ensure the fluidity of this collegial governance.
- The Steering Committee brings together the CNRS and its partners (INRAe, CIRAD, Institut polaire Paul-Emile-Victor, AllEnvi, MESRI). It validates the proposals of the Management Committee, ensures the smooth running of the work plan and directs the work of the RI, if necessary, via an institutional roadmap and orders. It meets once a year.
- The Management Committee (CD) brings together the Management team and all the Directors of ZA. He participates in the definition of the operating and development strategy of the RI, in the definition of the principles of access to the RI, in the preparation, organization and management of relations with Europe, production of RI activity reports. It meets twice a year, probably once face-to-face and once in distance. It may, on an agenda, associate with its meetings representatives of related RIs, OZCAR, AnaEE, ILICO ...
- The RZA Think Tank brings together the leaders of the working groups (WGs) that are currently being set up to strengthen several projects (Europeanization, data management, governance of socio-ecosystems, health-environment, etc.) and open up new ones (concepts and practices of inter- and transdisciplinarity, links with university training, think tanks, communication, etc.). These WGs should serve as a melting pot for the development of inter-ZA research projects, the publication of transversal articles and books ... The Think Tank meets once a quarter at distance.
- The External Scientific Council, in the process of being set up, will be made up of around ten scientists, mainly foreigners, representing the major disciplinary fields of the natural sciences, the human and social sciences and the engineering sciences. It will help define the main directions of the RI in a forward-looking process and at least every two years.
- The Partners' Forum will also bring together on a biannual basis, alternating with the External Scientific Council at the time of the Management Committee meeting, representatives of the non-academic partners of the RZA, whether at national or regional level. These could be invitations from local partners of certain ZAs to share practices and questions at the network level, as well as structured partners at the national level such as agencies (water, biodiversity, etc.) or the Third Sector of Research, in its coordination as well as in its various components (associations, VSEs / SMEs, etc.).