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7th thematic day of ZABR "Climate Change, Biodiversity, Invasion"

Publié le 9 Sep 2011
Par Amandine Hénon

-* Date : Thursday, October 20th 2011

-* Place : Hôtel de la Communauté Urbaine de Lyon (69)

-* Program : Access to the detailed program of the day

-* Registraion before October, 13th : Registration form online

Theme :

The pond of the Rhône, territory subjected to an important climatic importing gradient (from the Alps to the Mediterranean Sea), has an extremely important, original and diversified natural and human heritage which undergoes strong anthropic pressures. For several years, all the public and private actors of the pond consider the consequences of adding a new disturbance, those of climate change on the wealth and diversity of our natural heritage. To understand the effects of climate change on the biodiversity of our country, research teams ZABR members, working to make climate projections at a regional scale to assess the interactions between temperature, changes in hydrology and biodiversity. An additional threat is related to the dynamics of invasive species that can be reinforced by climate change. These projections have declined specifically for each type of ecosystem: altitude lake, large river wetlands, groundwater, ... are environments in which the effects of climate change are to be studied carefully.

Objective :

Inform the community of the pond (scientists, administrators) on what is known about the interactions between :
-* assumptions climatic change and the response of the biodiversity
-* changes in hydrology and dynamics of biodiversity
-* the combination of hydrological changes and thermal changes on invasive species (which interactions? what influences?)

Public :

This day is for players of the Rhône Basin and in particular to :
-* local authorities,
-* providers, engineering consulting,
-* scientists,
-* institutional partners.

Partners of the day :

-* Agence de l'Eau RM&C
-* CNR
-* EDF
-* Région Rhône-Alpes

Organizer :

The ZABR - Zone Atelier Bassin du Rhône, dispositif de recherche moderated by the GRAIE.